

What Ramblin' Wrench can Do...

Basic service

Basic service: safety check, adjusting cable-pull brakes, check steering and pedal bearings, chain lube, frame & wheel cleaning: $60. Other services at additional charge; let's talk.

Tire replacement

$15/wheel, plus cost of tire and tube. You save these costs, of course, if you supply the tire and tube. Subject to minimum charge

Parts installation

Got something new that needs to be put on? Send a message; we can probably arrange to connect it. (And I'm discreet about fixing mistakes you may have made!)

Department Store Bike Service

If you get a bicycle at Target, Walmart, or another department store, it was assembled by the same folks that put together the basketball hoops and the camping equipment. I don't care about either basketball or camping, but I'll set up your department-store bike so that the systems work. $50. Many mechanics won't touch these, but I'm not afraid of 'em!

Build your Boxed Bike

Did you get a bike delivered in a box... and now can't figure out exactly how it goes together? I'll build it up for you, and make sure all of the systems work. $75-250, depending on the bike; let's talk.